Thursday, April 26, 2012

Feeding the Bear

I was recently told that maintaing a blog regularly is like having a bear for a pet, caring for it week in and week out.  Yep, mine is on the verge of starving to death.

My real estate photography business is going gang busters.  I'm having so much fun stomping through some amazing homes.  I try to keep my excitement under control, and most days I do pretty well, but then I'm given the opportunity to shoot a home that's on a historical registrar and my excitement can no longer be contained.  It's embarrassing.  Am I the only one that gets this stupid over touring a home?!

Our real estate business with Reece and Nichols is moving right along as well.  Mike has been licensed for 2 months and we've completed our first transaction together, just waiting on the close date to approach.  I will share more on that subject later.

I can't blog without a visual so I'm attaching a panoramic of the 100 year old house I shot last week that made me act like a fool.

The owner of this lovely home was kind enough to allow me to use some of the photos in our marketing and on our websites.  I will share some on my FB page soon.

Okay, the bear has been fed.  I'm happy.  The bear is happy.  We're all warm and fuzzy again.

Thanks for stopping in and catching up.

Warmest Regards,

A Kansas City Real Estate Photographer
A Kansas City Real Estate Team

P.S.  If any of my fellow bloggers would like more information on how to care for your bear, follow this guy, David Knows Search, on FB.