Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Spit Star

One of the benefits of Real Estate Photography is that when I'm in a pinch I can almost always take our youngest to work with me.  Our little princess is 6 years old, in kindergarten, loves her teacher, music class, friends and is obsessed with ART; so obsessed that she's adorned our walls with drawings, using ink or a Sharpie, and has used her colors to add a little pizazz to the fluted columns in our home.  We've had many conversations with her about what's appropriate on which to draw and she's had consequences for the choices she's made, some of which were quite devastating for her.

I tell you this because on the last day of her holiday break from school I had to take her to work with me.  She's really a very good little girl and easy to be around, but she has this sneaky side about her that reminds me of someone I know (ahem), and apparently when I was flipping on lights, adjusting a few curtains or closing some blinds she took the liberty to create a Spit Star on my lens.  Of course it went unnoticed by me at the time, but when I got back to my computer I immediately noticed something funky about some of my images.  I went five days shooting with this spit star on my lens thinking, "What in the world is going on with my photos?!"  Why would I look at my lens?  I shoot and the lens cap goes right back on as soon as I'm finished.

So, if you happen to see any images that look something like this below, please know this is nothing more than God giving me what I deserve for my past sneakiness.  I have already accepted this lot in life and can sincerely laugh about it........for now.

(cloudy spit star under the white guided star)

Miss Grace has apologized and promised to never put a "pit thhtar" (she's missing four front teeth) on any of my lenses EVER again.

Now it's time to send this blog to all of the agents I shot for that week and offer a reshoot.

Thanks for stopping in and if you have any upcoming real estate or real estate photography needs, please don't hesitate to contact me.  I promise to leave the sneaky one behind.  :)

A Kansas City Real Estate Photographer
A Kansas City Realtor

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